Category: VBS
List members of all local groups on a list of computers vbs script
Here is a script that I use to list members of all local groups on a list of computers. It takes a list of computer names and checks the group members on each one then writes the results to a second file. Change the file paths in lines 6,19 and 36 to match your environment. When its complete it will open the text file with the enumerated computers.
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ForReading = 1
ServerCount = 0
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
("c:\scripts\serverlist.txt", ForReading)
Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline
strComputer = strNextLine
‘WScript.Echo "Processing " & strComputer
ServerCount = ServerCount + 1
‘WScript.Echo "Computers Processed " & ServerCount
Sub ProcessGroups
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\scripts\GroupInfo.txt", _
ForAppending, True)
objLogFile.writeline " "
objLogFile.writeline "***************** " & strComputer & " *****************"
Set colGroups = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "")
colGroups.Filter = Array("group")
For Each objGroup In colGroups
objLogFile.writeline objGroup.Name
For Each objUser in objGroup.Members
objLogFile.writeline vbTab & objUser.Name
End Sub
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "C:\scripts\GroupInfo.txt"
VB Script to Remotely Start or Stop a windows service with get current state
This script will start or stop a service on a remote computer. It will optionally allow you to retrieve the current state of the service before and after you make a change. This is useful for verifying the state of the service before you make a change and to verify the change has been applied.
dim svcName, sStart, sStop dim service dim objService dim SvrName dim input dim input2 Dim svclist Dim compname dim objFile Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") on error resume next input = Inputbox ("Computer Name that you would like to Start or stop service on:"& vbCRLF & "Default is this pc", _ "Stop or Start service","localhost") If input = "" Then WScript.Quit End If returnvalue=MsgBox ("Do you want display a list of services on remote pc?"& vbCRLF & "List will show the Service Short Name, the current State and the Service Display Name", 36, "Show Services") if returnvalue = 6 then Const ForWriting = 2 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ ("c:services list.txt", ForWriting, True) Set colServices = GetObject("winmgmts://" & input).ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Service") objTextFile.WriteLine("Short Name") & VbTab & ("Current State") & VbTab & VbTab & ("Display Name") For Each objService in colServices objTextFile.WriteLine(objService.Name & VbTab & _ objService.State & VbTab & VbTab & objService.DisplayName) Next objTextFile.Close WScript.Sleep 500 wShshell.Run "notepad c:services list.txt" WScript.Sleep 500 If input = "" Then WScript.Quit End If input2 = Inputbox ("Enter the Service name you want to start or stop:" & vbCRLF & "Use the services list.txt file to get service short name if you don't know it." & vbCRLF & "print spooler = spooler" & vbCRLF & "remote registry = remoteregistry" & vbCRLF & "Windows Event log = eventlog"& vbCRLF & "Default is Print Spooler" & vbCRLF & "","Service Name","spooler") If input2 = "" Then WScript.Quit End If SvrName = input svcName = input2 Set service = GetObject("winmgmts:!\" & svrName & "rootcimv2") svc = "Win32_Service=" & "'" & svcName & "'" state = inputbox _ ("Enter start or stop to Change the Status of Service" & vbCRLF & "lowercase only" & vbCRLF & "Default is start","start or stop","start") If state = "" Then WScript.Quit End If if state = "start" then Set objService = Service.Get(svc) retVal = objService.StartService() returnvalue=MsgBox ("Do you want re-open the services list.txt file and verify the state change?", 36, "Started the " & svcName & " service on " & SvrName) if returnvalue = 6 then Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ ("c:services list.txt", ForWriting, True) Set colServices = GetObject("winmgmts://" & input).ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Service") objTextFile.WriteLine("Short Name") & VbTab & ("Current State") & VbTab & ("Display Name") For Each objService in colServices objTextFile.WriteLine(objService.Name & VbTab & _ objService.State & VbTab & objService.DisplayName) Next objTextFile.Close WScript.Sleep 500 wShshell.Run "notepad c:services list.txt" WScript.Sleep 500 end if WScript.Quit elseif state = "stop" then Set objService = Service.Get(svc) retVal = objService.StopService() end if returnvalue=MsgBox ("Do you want re-open the services list.txt file and verify the state change?", 36, "Stopped the " & svcName & " service on " & SvrName) if returnvalue = 6 then Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ ("c:services list.txt", ForWriting, True) Set colServices = GetObject("winmgmts://" & input).ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Service") objTextFile.WriteLine("Short Name") & VbTab & ("Current State") & VbTab & ("Display Name") For Each objService in colServices objTextFile.WriteLine(objService.Name & VbTab & _ objService.State & VbTab & objService.DisplayName) Next objTextFile.Close WScript.Sleep 500 wShshell.Run "notepad c:services list.txt" WScript.Sleep 500 end if WScript.Quit end if
Open Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 secure temp olk folder location.vbs script
A useful script, especially for those high maintenance users who insist on editing excel or word documents they open from Outlook and then frantically calling your help desk complaining they can’t locate files they saved while working in Outlook. Place the script on their desktop and have them run it first before calling your help desk.. Works with Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 and now also with Outlook 2013.
' This script will open the Outlook Secure Temp folder location for Outlook ' 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 Dim WshShell, strValue, openlocation Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 on error resume next strComputer = “.” Set oReg=GetObject(“winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” &_ strComputer & “rootdefault:StdRegProv”) strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice11.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue If IsNull(dwValue) Then Else strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice11.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue openlocation = “EXPLORER.exe /e,” & strValue wShshell.Run openlocation End If strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice12.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue If IsNull(dwValue) Then Else strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice12.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue openlocation = “EXPLORER.exe /e,” & strValue wShshell.Run openlocation End If strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue If IsNull(dwValue) Then Else strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue openlocation = “EXPLORER.exe /e,” & strValue wShshell.Run openlocation End If strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue If IsNull(dwValue) Then Else strKeyPath = “SoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0OutlookSecurity” strValueName = “OutlookSecureTempFolder” oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue openlocation = “EXPLORER.exe /e,” & strValue wShshell.Run openlocation End If WScript.Quit
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