Using Windows PowerShell to convert from a Windows Server 2012 Core installation to a Windows Server 2012 with a GUI installation

2012/11/09 | By | Reply More

When you install Windows Server 2012, you can choose between Server Core Installation and Server with a GUI. The “Server with a GUI” option is the Windows Server 2012 equivalent of the Full installation option available in Windows Server 2008 R2. The “Server Core Installation” option reduces the space required on disk, the potential attack surface, and especially the servicing requirements. You can freely switch between these options at any time., one approach might be to initially install the Server with a GUI option, use the graphical tools to configure the you can freely switch between these options at any time later.

To add the Server with a GUI  to a Server Core from the  windows server core  command prompt  type

start powershell

In PowerShell type

Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell -Restart

This will start the installation of the gui feature and restart the system when it completes.

Once the system restarts and you login you will be presented with the standard windows server 2012 with the GUI

Check the short video below for a demonstration.

Category: Server 2012, Video Tutorials

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